Kimberly Harding-


I am a college professor.  PhD in physiology and biophysics covers my “scientific” side, while a master’s degree in Tranformative visual art covers the “artist” side.

77 thoughts on “Kimberly Harding-

  1. Pingback: Receiving and Giving the Shine On Blog Award | Paula's Pontifications

  2. Pingback: It’s Time to Begin, Isn’t it? – Vol. 1 | Words for the Weekend

  3. Pingback: A Shaun-y for being me. | Hunt FOR Truth on wordpress

  4. Thank you, kimberlyharding, for following my blog, it is very flattering. Now I’ve discovered your – very very very interesting, wise and rich in information of various kind.

  5. considering dreaming about excellence tonight…

    YAY! I’m giving the excellence awards tomorrow…

    Your blog is on my list of EXCELLENCE blogs and here is an award to demonstrate my sincere gratitude:

    Excellence (awards)

    The link is scheduled in my posts at USA Eastern Time NOON – on 1/24/2014 (tomorrow).
    You can copy the badge and have some fun with giving the award to others too!
    ~ Eric

  6. Hi Kimberly
    I received an award for blogging and I want to share this one with you. It’s ‘The Inventive Blogger Award’ and I think your blog qualifies as portraying you as an inventive blogger.
    The post is in my schedule folder and it will be available this afternoon at 3:30 PM Eastern USA time. So, you can find out more about it and collect the handsome badge at
    just a little later on today.
    Thanks for support of my blog. I hope you enjoy receiving this award.
    ~ Eric

  7. Hi Kimberly;
    I nominate you for the
    Very Inspiring Blogger Award

    The announcemnt is scheduled
    in my que to post at 3 PM
    today — Eastern USA time.

    There isn’t any complicated
    requirements to accept it.

    Just click here (after 3 PM)

    Very Inspiring Blogger Award

    or load the post from
    your reader.

    Thanks for posting an
    inspiring blog.

    ~ Eric

  8. I adore your blog, if my neck wasn’t so sore already from all my exploring I would read the whole thing from start to finish. Wonderful!

  9. Hi Kimberly, I have nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award. If you choose to accept you can follow the directions on my post. It’s my way of letting everyone know what a special person you are and how much I love your blog. Thank you so much for being such a bright light in my life ! ♥

    • Same to you. You know, I have continued to think about your last posting (or at least the one I saw last)- about the cost of childhood sexual abuse. I thought it was so insightful. We always must change our thinking first, before the world changes. And, we so need to change our thinking about this issue.

  10. Hi Kimberly… Eric here…
    I got a fairly recent appointment
    to share an award… it’s the
    Don Charisma Angel Award


    I love getting awards mostly because I can share them.
    I love your blogging and I wanted to make sure you know that!

    You needn’t do anything. My favorite rule of life is “be love” and I know you already follow that pathway for healthy living. So, just enjoy it, pass it on to others, or just smile… it’s entirely up to you. I got my smile thinking about you… it’s just me, brother E… do whatever keeps you feeling and being the love.

    ~ Eric

    P.S. click here:

    Don Charisma Angel Award

    • Thank you so much Eric, and thank you for continuing to spread so much light and love with your words/insights. As I have read your blog for some time now, I know that whenever I come upon it, it will have a message of quality. (Not always an easy thing to deliver 🙂 )

  11. Hey Kimberly. ..not sure if you would be interested but I have been invited to a blog hop. You answer 4 questions about your writing and invite 3 people to participate. Would you be interested? Let me know and I will send the particulars 🙂 Blessitude…Lorrie

  12. Pingback: Aggghhh… | Rants and Runs

  13. Hi Kimberly! Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog, I can see that yours is really helping a lot of people, which is very commendable.

  14. Wonderful!! I just found her by accident, (the best kind), and feel like we’re twins! My God, this is all my life as well. What a wonderful thing to happen from such dark and ugly times.

  15. Hi Kimberly, thanks for your comment about Loius B. I wanted to answer but probably marked it as spam by accident. Sorry! She’s one of my favorites too and was a great woman! 🙂

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