Stop Hitting Yourself

Stop Hitting Yourself

Stop Hitting Yourself

Your propensity to turn outward conditions
into a mallet of internal destruction
serves no one – including you

Remember that childhood game where in a friend would grab your hand and have you strike your own forehead, saying “Stop hitting yourself”. ( I am hoping my friends and I were not the only ones to do this 🙂 ).

It seems to me, at times, we continue on with this game into adulthood. We take external conditions, of which we may or may not have any direct control or impact, and twist them around and beat ourselves over the head with our “failings”.

This picture represents this energy to me. The “arm” is twisted inward, striking the heart of the matter- the chest. (It also, on the end, looks like a kidney to me and kidneys symbolically hold the energy of fear. Perhaps we fear how little is under our control??)

To take something and use it against one’s own self is to work against natural state and energy of power. Leave the symbolic mallet handle alone and stop hitting yourself over the head.

3 thoughts on “Stop Hitting Yourself

  1. Makes sense Kim. I read that a lot of our subconscious is trying to let us know about our own bodily functions – not just our thinking. If this is sub conscious art, perhaps your stomach is trying to tell you something

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