So, You Went Tail First…So What?

Tail First

Tail First

I love this little figure. It’s of a peacock/pheasant careening tail first down a hillside.

It came to me as we were driving along and I looked to the side of a mountain and a twisted tree and some sticks made me think “Hey, that looks like a peacock sliding down the hill.”

Peacocks, because of their inherent beauty, represent our light on display.

And I liked this image because it made me think that even when we are stumbling and falling, going a** first, our light is still there.

It may not feel this way, of course. We may feel ugly, awkward, and ashamed.

We may believe, naively, that rather than an eye-catching display of enlightened feathers, we are instead presenting to the world a muted shade of gray.

We, unfortunately, are not always centered and grounded with tail feathers on display. But that does not detract from our beauty.

The peacock in the image, shows, that even tail first, our light shines through.

You can be slipping and sliding, feet splayed, and on your backside, and I guarantee that, yes, your light will still lead the way and it will be the first thing we all see.

I had a dream last night of a God riding upon a Peacock. I learned there is a Hindu deity named Murugan, Hindu god of war, victory, wisdom and love who rides upon a peacock.

May we all be the Murugan of our lives no matter what our current, temporal situation.

8 thoughts on “So, You Went Tail First…So What?

  1. Ahh, a peacock, a male flaunting his plumage. I have to laugh, human men are a bit like that too, innately peacocks, all of them, we just tend to do things backwards in the people world so it’s hard to see sometimes. I sense you have a male dominated theme going on here, with your other painting and now the peacocks. I have no idea what it all means, but it’s pretty.

    • HI Eliza, it really was that basic of a dream. It was a God on a peacock. I guess in relation to my art, the image spoke to me that God rises above it all. The journey is always beautiful, even if for the moment we are slipping and sliding down the hill.

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